Height: 1316 ft, 401.00 m
Grid Ref: NY5933410870
DoBIH Ref: 16096
Country: E
Hill Classifications: 4
County Top:
Link to hill-bagging.co.uk: 16096 - Long Scar Pike [Coalpit Hill]
Link to geograph.org.uk: NY5933410870
Link to OS Map: 16096 - Long Scar Pike [Coalpit Hill]
Summit Features: limestone outcrop 2m WNW of large cairn
Observations: ground 1m S of trig point is 19cm lower
Date | Walk Name | Dist | Ascent | Starting at | Ending at | GPX |
2021-10-09 | Ravensworth Fell | 12.3 m | 1400 ft | Orton Scar | Orton Scar |
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