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Whins Brow (5318)

Hill Details

Height: 1562 ft, 476.00 m

Grid Ref: SD6364953298

DoBIH Ref: 5318

Country: E

Region: Forest of Bowland

Hill Classifications: Hu,4

County Top:

Link to 5318 - Whins Brow

Link to SD6364953298

Link to OS Map: 5318 - Whins Brow

Summit Features: ground 3m NNE of trig point

Observations: ground 15m E of trig point at SD 63664 53295 is just lower


Walks to this Hill

Date Walk Name Dist Ascent Starting at Ending at GPX
2013-06-25Whins Brow12.3 m2500 ftDunsop BridgeDunsop Bridge

Photos of this Hill

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