Height: 938 ft, 286.00 m
Grid Ref: SU3979760183
DoBIH Ref: 5461
Country: E
Hill Classifications: 2,CoH,CoU,CoA
County Top: Hampshire Hampshire (CoH) Hampshire (CoA)
Link to hill-bagging.co.uk: 5461 - Pilot Hill
Link to geograph.org.uk: SU3979760183
Link to OS Map: 5461 - Pilot Hill
Summit Features: no feature
Observations: ground by trig point 110m SE at SU 39875 60111 is c 80cm lower
Date | Walk Name | Dist | Ascent | Starting at | Ending at | GPX |
2013-07-13 | Ashley Down to Thorn Down | 12.6 m | 1000 ft | Ashley Down | Thorn Down |