Height: 1755 ft, 535.00 m
Grid Ref: SK1202594572
DoBIH Ref: 7730
Country: E
Region: The Peak District
Hill Classifications: E,s5
County Top:
Link to hill-bagging.co.uk: 7730 - Alport Moor
Link to geograph.org.uk: SK1202594572
Link to OS Map: 7730 - Alport Moor
Summit Features: no feature: grass and heather
Observations: flat summit area; ground within 5m is as high
Date | Walk Name | Dist | Ascent | Starting at | Ending at | GPX |
2013-07-17 | Bleaklow Stones | 13.5 m | 2100 ft | Ditch Clough Plantation | Ditch Clough Plantation |