Without doubt, this was the best walk of the year for me and the last of the year too. It had been my intention to do a lot more walking over Christmas, but what with one thing and another, as well as poor weather, it wasn't until 5th January that I managed to get out again. Most people will walk this classic horseshoe from Ambleside, but I wanted to cut out a couple of fairly dull miles and also save myself a few quid on the parking charges that you can expect to have to pay in the big Lakeland towns. So I chose Rydal as an alternative starting point and arrived there at about 08:15, just as the dawn was breaking and parked on the road by the church. There are little signs along the road asking you to donate £1 to the church funds if you are parking there, and this I didn't mind doing at all.
Date: 2007-12-20
Start: Rydal Finish: Rydal
Distance: 11.5 mls, 18.51 km
Height Gain: 3700 ft, 1127.8 m
Start Time: 08:17 End Time: 13:17
Duration: 05:00
Ave Speed: 2.3 mph
Region: Lake District
Route Description: Rydal, Rydal Park, Sweden Crag, Low Pike, High Pike, Dove crag, Hart Crag, Fairfield, Great Rigg, Heron Pike, Nab Scar, Rydal
Parking Grid Ref: NY 36463 06244
View Parking space in: OS Map or Google Street View
Walking with: Alone
Long Distance Path:
Link to full Walk Report: https://lonewalker.net/walk-report-fairfield-horseshoe/
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2521 - Fairfield (2865 ft)
2529 - Hart Crag (2700 ft)
2533 - Dove Crag (2598 ft)
2539 - Great Rigg (2514 ft)
2562 - High Pike (Scandale) (2152 ft)
2571 - Heron Pike North Top [Rydal Fell] (2038 ft)
2573 - Heron Pike (Rydal) (2008 ft)
2596 - Low Pike (1667 ft)
2611 - Nab Scar (1476 ft)
Walk Name: Dow Crag & Coniston Old Man
Date: 2007-12-15
Distance: 8.5 mls, 13.68 km
Height Gain: 2900 ft, 883.9 m
Walk Name: Calf Top
Date: 2008-01-05
Distance: 12.5 mls, 20.12 km
Height Gain: 2200 ft, 670.6 m