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Wild Boar Fell

As walks go I tend to enjoy most of the day - there may be bits of the walk I don't like or don't remember with fondness, but today seemed to be a complete mirror image of this. I hated nearly every minute of this walk, apart from about 30 minutes while I stopped for lunch and was rewarded with some fantastic views.

The last several weeks of rain have turned all this area into a huge sucking, spagnum bog. Even though I'd equipped my feet with boots in anticipation of boggy underfoot conditions I wasn't expecting what I found. I spent 80% of this walk on pathless terrain, mostly spagnum bogs, tussocky grass or peat hags. Holme Moss Hill was the worst place; I must have slipped over a dozen times here and was totally soaked by the time I got to the valley bottom.

My new coat - Paramo Velez Adventure Light Smock - was great, it packs down nicely unlike my other Paramo and weighs in at about 560g, much lighter than the Alta II. It feels great with just a baselayer on too. Great coat.

Walk Details

Date: 2009-08-30

Start: Rawthey Bridge    Finish: Rawthey Bridge

Distance: 12.0 mls, 19.31 km

Height Gain: 2500 ft, 762.0 m

Start Time: 07:36    End Time: 13:15

Duration: 05:39

Ave Speed: 2.1 mph

Region: Yorkshire Dales

Route Description: Rawthey Bridge, path on lower slopes of Bluecaster, Flint Howe, Wild Boar Fell, Swarth Fell, Holmes Moss Hill, Rawthey Gill, Needle House, Rawthey Bridge

Parking Grid Ref: SD 71220 97887

View Parking space in: OS Map or Google Street View

Walking with: Alone

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Hills on this Walk

2720 - Wild Boar Fell (2323 ft)

2729 - Swarth Fell (2234 ft)

Trig Points on this Walk

TP6943 - Wild Boar Fell (Slightly damaged condition)

Photos from this Walk

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Previous Walk

Walk Name: Walna Scar Road

Date: 2009-08-28
Distance: 13.0 mls, 20.92 km
Height Gain: 2600 ft, 792.5 m

Next Walk

Walk Name: Rogan's Seat

Date: 2009-09-05
Distance: 13.0 mls, 20.92 km
Height Gain: 2200 ft, 670.6 m