A long walk, much needed after being cooped up in the office all week - a new experience for a home worker like me. Weather forecasts predicted warm and cloudy with no rain or wind and for once they were spot on. A lovely walk up Whitendale with the heather in full bloom and the cackle of grouse flying everywhere. The tops are wet again after a couple of weeks of rain and my feet were swimming after an hour or two. A great day out in the Bowland Fells and I was sorry to reach the car at the end.
Date: 2013-08-10
Start: Dunsop Bridge Finish: Dunsop Bridge
Distance: 15.8 mls, 25.43 km
Height Gain: 2600 ft, 792.5 m
Start Time: 06:40 End Time: 12:15
Duration: 05:35
Ave Speed: 2.8 mph
Region: Bowland Fells
Route Description: Dunsop Bridge, Foot Holme, Whitendale, Brim Clough, Shooters Clough, White Hill, Croasdale, Dunsop Fell, Burn Fell, Beatrix, Dunsop Bridge
Parking Grid Ref: SD 65973 50097
View Parking space in: OS Map or Google Street View
Walking with: Alone
Long Distance Path:
2814 - White Hill (1785 ft)
TP1776 - Burn Fell (Slightly damaged condition)
TP6883 - White Hill (Good condition)
Walk Name: Ribblehead to Settle
Date: 2013-08-03
Distance: 14.0 mls, 22.53 km
Height Gain: 2100 ft, 640.1 m
Walk Name: Pendle Hill
Date: 2013-08-17
Distance: 12.1 mls, 19.47 km
Height Gain: 2400 ft, 731.5 m