An unusual Friday walk, to take advantage of better weather than was predicted for the Saturday and a return to the fells of Fiendsdale to finish off the route I began a few weeks ago. Right from the off I knew I would have no views today, with low cloud and mist covering all the tops and the air so heavy and muggy there was little chance of it clearing. I had a fine day though, completely alone on the tops apart from the various birds and sheep drifting in and out of the clag. Still quite boggy on top, but the cotton grass is in profusion and I was sorry to descend to the car again.
Date: 2013-06-21
Start: Sykes Farm Finish: Sykes Farm
Distance: 12.2 mls, 19.63 km
Height Gain: 2000 ft, 609.6 m
Start Time: 07:20 End Time: 11:15
Duration: 03:55
Ave Speed: 2.9 mph
Region: Bowland Fells
Route Description: Sykes Farm, Langden Brook, Fiendsdale Nab, Fiendsdale Head, Fair Snape Fell, Beasley's Steady, Totridge, Hareden Farm, Sykes Farm
Parking Grid Ref: SD 63283 51157
View Parking space in: OS Map or Google Street View
Walking with: Alone
Long Distance Path:
TP6549 - Totridge Fell (Slightly damaged condition)
TP3096 - Fair Snape Fell (Good condition)
Walk Name: Scout Moor
Date: 2013-06-18
Distance: 10.8 mls, 17.38 km
Height Gain: 1600 ft, 487.7 m
Walk Name: Whins Brow
Date: 2013-06-25
Distance: 12.3 mls, 19.79 km
Height Gain: 2500 ft, 762.0 m