Updated March 2022
I’ve been a Memory Map user since 2005 and over the years I’ve helped quite a few people get to grips with the idiosyncrasies of the program, because although it’s a Windows application, it doesn’t behave like one in several important ways. That sporadic assistance eventually morphed into the following pages – a parallel user guide if you like. This guide concentrates on the Windows app and there is a section for the Android mobile device. MM also runs on Mac computers and iOS devices, but these are not covered in this guide, sorry.
If anyone has any suggestions to improve this then please let me know, if I have made any obvious errors then tell me and if you’d like to contribute then either leave a comment or email me.
This guide covers the following main topics.
- Introduction
- Installation
- Adding Maps
- MM File Types
- License Management
- Getting Started
- Moving Around
- The Icon Ribbon
- MM Names and Terms
- Working with Routes
- Working with Tracks
- Working with Marks
- Working with Files (Overlays)
- Printing
- 3D Maps
- Exporting Data
- Importing Data
- Importing & Calibrating Maps
- MM on Mobile Devices
- Cloud-sync & Sharing Data
Memory Map (called MM from now on) software is free to download. In what appears to be a change from previous releases, the latest (v6) version is international. The previous versions of MM had a European Edition to support Ordnance Survey (OS) maps, but this latest version is just “Memory Map”. For those outside of the UK; Ordnance Survey maps are the ones typically used by hikers and walkers in this country.
The previous versions of this guide referred to both v5 and v6 software, but as you can no longer download the v5 software and all new updates will only be available in v6, we will concentrate on the functionality provided by this version of the product.
A couple of useful links to MM resources are provided for reference:
MM Ordnance Survey Maps: www.memory-map.com/maps/uk-os-topo-maps/
MM v6 Download: www.memory-map.com/downloads/
The MM software itself is provided free, but it’s absolutely no use whatsoever without some maps. The maps are what you purchase and there are many different types of maps and different options when it comes to purchasing them. For the purposes of this guide we are only intested in the Ordnance Survey maps, and more specifically the 1:25k and 1:50k UK maps.
You used to be able to buy OS maps for MM from third party suppliers like Amazon and Go Outdoors, even on eBay. This is no longer the case and maps can only be purchased directly from MM themselves. If you do stumble across cheap map offers online, then my advice would be to ignore them, there’s a good chance they will no longer work with v6 and they may even be bootleg copies.
The price of OS maps has reduced so much over the past few years that it hardly makes any sense to purchase from dubious sources, just to save a couple of quid. The days of having to spend (quite literally) thousands of pounds to buy 1:25k scale mapping for the whole of the UK are long-gone thankfully. The price is now as little as £40, depending on how you want to buy – see more information below.
Information for v5 users only: There are two types of MM maps – QCT maps and QC3 maps. Both types work with MM v5 and both types will work with MM v6, but you will need to purchase an additional license to use the QCT maps with the new version. I cover the differences a little later in this guide. All maps purchased direct from MM will be the QC3 type.
Map Subscriptions
The ‘problem’ with maps is that they are constantly changing – Ordnance Survey produce new maps each year and although changes will generally be minor, these will add up over time and pretty soon you find your maps are out of date. In the past this was a huge problem, especially when combined with the historically high cost of maps. Who could afford to buy a new set of maps every year or two, even with the ‘upgrade’ discount MM provide for existing users.
This problem is now a thing of the past. MM have introduced a new licensing model for OS maps and we can now buy a 365-day subscription for OS maps and renew this each year. The cost of this is very competitive and the model mimics the way we buy many goods and services nowadays. At the time of writing (January 2021) the cost of subscribing to full UK mapping at both 1:25k and 1:50k was £34 per year. Link here: w2.memory-map.com/
The traditional outright purchase method is still available if you prefer to actually own your maps.
High Definition Maps
Around 2012 or 2013, MM began offering what they called ‘High Definition’ 1:25k and 1:50k OS maps. These were produced at a higher resolution than their traditional OS maps and provided a much crisper look on screen and also allowed for an extra zoom level. See an example of both resolutions below.

I purchased a set of 1:25k and 1:50k HD maps for the whole UK in 2014. They cost around £350 I think and they’ve lasted me until now – I still use them today, despite knowing that I’m missing out on many updates from the OS.
When I finally decided to update, earlier this year, I found that MM had stopped producing these HD maps and the thought of going back to the standard (what I couldn’t help thinking of as low resolution) maps was just not acceptable. I emailed MM and asked them about the decision. They told me it was because users found the associated files too large to be used on mobile devices! Thankfully this decision has been reversed and the very welcome volte-face sees new versions of the OS 2021 HD maps available to buy or subscribe to.
The Digital Map Store (DMS)
Maps are purchased either through the MM website, or through the application interface via their Digital Map Store.
Irrespective of which route you use to buy the maps, they are now only available through a download mechanism. This is a major change for MM as you’ve always been able to buy physical media in the past, either on CD, DVD or USB. The increase in home internet bandwidth and the advent of 5G wireless communications means that downloading maps is much easier for most people. Even downloading the 13Gb UK 1:25k scale HD maps will not be a problem for most users. Maps don’t need to be downloaded all in one go either, as you can easily select specific areas, rather than the complete UK map.
Moving to completely digital delivery no doubt reduces the overheads of MM too and helps to keep the cost of the maps down.
OK, enough talking, let’s get started with MM. You can download the application for Windows, macOS, Android devices or iOS (iPhone/iPad) devices from this location. If you are using Windows 7 or 8 then download the latest Windows version, it will still work. Since January 2022 I’ve been running MM on Windows 11 without any issues.
For Windows, once the download has completed, run the installer and follow the wizard. For macOS do whatever you need to do to install (I’m not a Mac user!) and installation on mobile devices is handled by the App Store or Play Store, depending on your device type.
For Windows users, the default installation puts the application files in the default ‘Program Files’ folder, typically on your C: Drive. Don’t worry about disk space at this point; the program is quite small. It’s the maps that take up all the room and you can store them wherever you like.
Adding Maps
If you still have maps on physical media then you’re going to want to copy the files from the DVD or USB stick into a folder on the hard drive of your computer. NOTE: We cover the process of adding maps to mobile devices in a later section.
The selection of the folder location is important. Make sure you locate it on a drive with plenty of free space and if you have one, install them on an SSD drive. A Solid State Drive provides much better read/write performance and you will notice a difference in the load time of your maps as you scroll around the screen.
When you download maps from MM’s Digital Map Store they will get saved, by default, into a folder on the C: Drive. Often this isn’t the drive with the most space, or the fastest read times. Make sure to change the location to the same folder as your other maps. You do this by going into Map > Digital Map Store > Online Maps… and clicking the [DMS Folder…] button and selecting the desired location.
From what I can tell, just changing the folder location does not automatically move any maps you have already downloaded, from the old location to the new location. if you want to ‘tidy up’ you will need to move them manually, or download them again. Even if you don’t move them, you will still be able to see maps stored in both locations, as MM will have updated the Map List to reflect both locations.
In order to download OS Maps you will need a map license (we’ll come onto that shortly), but in the meantime you can download a free basemap to get an idea of how the app works. Go to Map > Digital Map Store > Online Maps… and click on one of the maps with a blue heart next to it, for example ‘OS Route Planner’ and then click the [Continue…] button. The basemap will download into the location you specified earlier. You can go to Map > Map List… at any time to see what maps you have available.
When the Map List is open, you can click the [Refresh Map List] button to see what folders MM is checking for Maps. You can add or remove folders as needed to ensure you’re including / excluding the desired folders.
When you have all the folders in the list click the [OK] button; you will be returned to the first dialog box and this will now be populated with the maps from your hard drive. You can double click one of these maps to open the map in the MM app. We will come back to maps shortly – in the meantime, lets look at MM file types.
MM File Types
There are four main MM file types, two map types and two supporting file types. The map files can be very big, much bigger than the other file types. Individual map sections can be as small as 5-10Mb but the whole of the UK will take up considerably more, potentially 10-20 Gb of space!
.QCT files are the older format maps. New users probably aren’t going to encounter these. They typically come in smaller sections, such as National Parks or regions. An average Explorer size sheet of mapping (such as the Lake District’s OL4) will take up 30-50Mb.
.QC3 files are the new format maps. These are protected by a form of Digital Rights Management (DRM) so they are tied to your MM account and to the 5 devices which you have associated with your account. See below for more on License Management.
.QED files are the files holding the elevation data for the maps. Elevation data is the data that provides you with the height at any point on the map. When you load a map into the program you will see the height given against the mouse cursor as it moves around the screen. This is the data that allows for the 3D visualisation of our maps and for calculating the height gain of a route.
.MMI files are the database files that hold the names and references of searchable information on the map. MMI data is used when you search (CTRL+F) for a hill name or a town name etc.
There are two more important file type; both of these are data files – the ones you create or share:
.MMO files are Memory Map’s proprietary data files, or Overlays as MM calls them. These can only be used in MM and aren’t even backwardly compatible to older versions of MM, so be careful not to save a v5 MMO file in v6, otherwise you will not be able to open it in v5 anymore. In v5, MMO were the default file types for MM, but in v6 we now default to GPX files……
.GPX files are much more ‘transportable’ data files and the file format is ‘open’ and used by many different digital mapping programs. If you’re technically minded, they look a lot like XML files and can be edited manually, unlike MMO files.
The size of the data files depends on what you’re storing in them (how many routes, tracks and marks), but a 3Mb file is very big and will take a long time to load, even on a high spec PC.
License Management
Some MM app features and nearly all maps will need to be activated before they can be used. Activation of these licenses is done online and is a lot simpler than it used to be, so this section has had quite an overhaul in the latest update. In order to activate any MM feature or product you will need to create an account on the MM website and all your features and products will then be managed through this account.
Creating an Account
If you’ve been using MM for a while then you’ll already have an account, so this section is really for new users, or for people who are only now accessing the new maps and trying to figure out what the new process looks like.
Your account will be used to manage all your maps across all of your devices (up to 5 of them). It is associated with an email address, and when you create a new account an email will be sent to validate it, so make sure you have access to the email account. This email will also be used to recover your account name or password if you forget them.
The easiest way to create an account (or to access an existing account) is through the Windows MM app. Open the DMS and click the [Sign-in] button. This opens another dialog box and in this you can either create a new account, or login to an existing one.
If you need to create an account, click the [Create Account] button and you will be sent to the MM website, where you can go through the account creation process.
Or, if you already have an account, you can login using the UserID and Password fields lower down the panel.
Naming your Devices
Adding a Premium Map
Using the basemaps is all very well, but they are next to useless for our purposes, so we will need to purchase an OS map to do anything useful. When you purchase a premium map like an OS map, you will be sent a serial number for that map, that will allow you to activate it on your account and download it onto your devices.
Your serial number will look something like 123.456.789.012.
In the MM app, click Web > Memory Map Home Page and click the [Sign-in] button when the website appears. Enter your credentials and you will be taken to your account page (screenshot left below).
From your account page, click the [Register/Redeem] button and this will take you to a page where you can copy the serial number you were provided with your map purchase (screenshot right above). You can repeat this process if you have more than one map to register. If you purchased the map direct from the DMS you will not need to enter a serial number, the map will automatically be registered.
When you’re done, click the [My Online Maps] button to see all the maps available to you to download.
You may only have a single map in your download list – I have a few as I’ve purchased various different maps over the years and I can see them all in my list.
A ‘download’ link is available beside each map and if you click this it will open the app and begin to download the map, if you haven’t already downloaded it.
The ‘info’ and ‘buy’ links will take you to the resource page for that map, or the shop page, providing the map is still available to buy.
You can also see all your maps directly in all versions of the MM app (Windows, Mac and mobile). Go to Map > Digital Map Store > Online Maps.. and when the DMS dialog box pops open, click the My Online Maps radio button below the [Sign-in] button. This will display all the maps you own, at the cursor position. In order to see all maps, everywhere click the Maps Everywhere radio button.
The list will include all DMS maps, as well as all other maps, such as the old OS maps which will appear under the Old Editions section, which you may have to expand to see.
As you can see, a lot of my maps are from many years ago!
Activating Resources
In most cases, you will not need to Activate a resource, they will probably be automatically activated the first time you use them. In some cases however, this may be something you need to do, for example if you are using the old QCT map format, you may need to buy and activate a Classic Map license to use it.
Other resources include Printing, GPS Features and Importing 3rd Party Maps. Goto Help > License Management.. to access the panel.
The screenshot on the left below shows a new account with no resources activated. If you click on a resource (e.g. OS 1:25k Explorer GB 2020) and click the [Activate] button which now becomes active, you will be able to assign licenses in your account to the resources that need activation.
The screenshot on the right below, shows the licenses available in this account (of which there are none) and the number needed to activate the selected map. MM offers a 10 day trial license to new users, so I could click the [Activate Demo] button to test the system out before purchasing.
Migrating & Recovering Licenses
Migrating and recovering licenses is only getting a mention in this updated guide because it featured heavily in the previous version and I just wanted people to be aware that the function still exists. However, due to the way licensing now works and the fact that you can use MM on up to 5 devices at a time, the need to migrate or recover licenses has been almost completely removed. The interface to manage this process is also much improved, so that if you do ever need to go down this road, it should be a bit easier to navigate.
You need to manage this process through the website, so login to your account by going to Web > Memory Map Home Page and clicking the [Sign-in] button when the website appears. Enter your credentials and you will be taken to your account page. Click the [Activity] button and then the ‘Devices’ tab. You will probably see a screen something like the one on the left below. This user has a single device registered and room for 4 more without any issues.
However, if you’ve been using MM for a while, like I have, then there’s a small chance you may bump into the situation where you have no more activation resources and need to migrate activations from one device to another.
A small part of my device history is shown in the screenshot on the right above. You can see I have old devices that have been migrated and several active devices which are still in use. If you click the name of a device you will be presented with the device history and a list of all the resources that have been activated on that device over time (see the screenshot on the left below). If you scroll down to the bottom of this page you should find a ‘Migrate’ field and its button. You can migrate all the activations from this device, to another device that you can select from the drop down list (see the screenshot on the right below). This is where you will reap the rewards of naming your device descriptively when you first installed MM on it!
The next part of this guide can be found here: Part 2 – Getting Started
37 thoughts on “Memory Map User Guide Pt. 1”
I was introduced to “Munro Bagging” by a neighbour some 45 years ago and did my final Munro in 2008. Recently I’ve had to give up on hill-waliking because of having had a Pulmonary Embolism, but I still use MM for holiday walks. I no longer need to get updated OS map, and I wish to just use the MM App with the downloaded maps I already have. If I cancel the MM subscription, can I still use it?
Bob, that depends how you purchased the OS maps you have. If you only had the maps through the subscription you will lose access to them when you end your subscription (when you don’t renew it). However, if you purchased maps a few years ago before the subscription service came in, you will still be able to use them in the app. If the OS maps are really old, you may need to purchase an app add-on to view them. Hope that helps, Stuart
I’m another longtime user of Viewranger. I’ve tried Outdooractive on the same phone but GPS acquisition is rubbish and you can’t download offline maps onto an SD card.
Will MM allow me to download offline maps to an SD card on my Android phone otherwise the 16 Mb main storage is looking very very small?
Hi John, yes you can select to store maps in either internal memory or on an SD-card. Select ‘Map Storage‘ from the maps menu and select the desired location to store your maps. For existing MM users, I think the MM mobile app is almost a no-brainer – obviously not as good as VR (which will still be around for a while I believe), but certainly better than a lot of the other apps out there!
Many thanks Lonewalker. I’m in the process of evaluating MM and your detailed instructions are proving to be more useful than anything I can find directly from MM. I subscribed to OS Mapping a couple of months ago but find it frustratingly clunky and unreliable. OS Mapping have said that they will refund my subscription after numerous chats with them have failed to sort out the problems. From what I have seen so far it looks as though MM, although requiring quite a steep learning curve, will be much better for my purpose. The only thing I have found with MM that isn’t quite as good as OS Mapping is the ‘Snap to path’ function to create routes (tracks) which works well with OS Mapping on National Parks routes in the UK where I do quite a lot of my walking. Again, thanks.
Jeremy, glad to hear you found the articles useful! The MM equivalent of the OS snap to map function is found by right-clicking the Route you have created, select Operations > Optimize route for > Walking – it can be a bit hit and miss (mostly miss in my experience) and only works in certain areas of the map and only on small routes I seem to recall. Despite its faults and quirks I absolutely love MM and have not found another route planning product that even comes close to it. Cheers, Stuart
Like Paul and Roy, I bought the entire UK coverage at 25K in 2014. But the flash drive script won’t correctly install the maps on my new Windows 10 laptop with Memory-Map6. It is very frustrating how Memory-Map seem set on abandoning their, once loyal, customers.
Stuart, this sounds like the same problem Paul was having – I get the impression that it’s the age of the maps and the media they are on, not being supported by the new software version. Have you tried logging in to the DMS using your MM account and downloading the maps from there?
Hi when did Memory Map UK close down? I have only just noticed they only have an American site now. No longer selling devices or sending out hardcopies of products, downloads from DMS only.
Hi Roy, the removal of the .co.uk domain and the switch to download only happened on 1st Jan this year. I must admit to not having noticed the withdrawl of hardware (never having been interested in any of the devices). A good Andoid phone in a ruggedised case may be an alternative?
Hi Lonewalker…. like you I spent the best part of £400 in 2012 for the HD OS maps but in recently trying to use them they come up with data missing in that certain map squares are greyed out. These maps were supplied on dedicated MM USB keys and in contacting MM they said the map files were corrupted but seems strange that both the USB keys I have had the same issue, is this something with the new programme not being compatible with the old type map files. I’d hate to think I have lost that investment. Thanks in advance, Paul
Hi Paul, if you login to your account on the http://www.memory-map.com website, you should be able to download any maps you have a license for. Go to the ‘My Online Maps’ section. Let me know how you get on.
Hi Stuart
Like yourself have used Memory map since it’s introduction and although it was not perfect and had some odd tendencies it was by large usable. I think I have now come to the end of the road with this product, not helped by the Memory map software for Android mobile devices which in my opinion is abysmal, took me over nine hours to get some maps to actually display and then MM is not as stable on the Windows platform anymore either, had more crashes in the last year than the previous ten plus years so I think time to move on. Not sure about Viewranger now it is being taken over but will try OS maps as I have got a mock device setup working on the Android phone so can use a real GNSS receiver. My current one tracks GPS, Galileo, Glonnass and Bedoui on L1, L2 and several other channels to give much better HDOP.
all the best Roy
I have about 20 maps associated with Memory Map. 90% of the time I only use the 1:25000 OS Map of North Wales. Is there any way that I can set this as a default Map? MM keeps switching to other maps as I perform various operations. There is, perhaps, some logic to the map choices that MM makes but it is annoying. For example if I am on the 1:25000 map and do a search MM changes automatically to 1:10000 street map. I’d wel come your thoughts. Thanks GH
Graham, an excellent question and one of which I seem to recall raising with MM a few years ago. They told me that the app opens what it thinks is the most appropriate map, based on the content of the file being opened. For example, if you’re opening an MMO file with one short route in North Wales, it should open the 1:25k scale map of North Wales (provided the route doesn’t spill over into another map area, or fit nicely into a smaller scale map like the 1:10k street map). If you’re opening a file with lots of routes spread across the country it will open a larger scale map that can fit all of those routes onto it (so maybe the 1:250k road map). As far as I know (and I have looked) there is no way to set a default map – you have to live with the choice MM makes. There is a possible workaround that I tried for a while – but which inevitably proved to be more of a pain than the original problem, but maybe it will work for you….
Go into your maps folder on your PC and move all the maps other than your 1:25k North Wales map to another folder somewhere on your PC. Then go into MM and goto Map > Map List > Refresh Map List and make sure that the only map you can see is the North Wales one. Now, when you load a file into MM it will only ever be able to load the North Wales map. If you need to load another map into MM, you can browse to the other map folder on your PC and double click the QCT file for the map (you could even add shortcuts to your desktop). It will load this into MM – but the view will jump to the centre of the map, so you may need to move to the location you need. As I said, it’s a bit clunky but it should work.
In terms of the search issue, I think this is tricky and could depend on a number of factors. When you hit CTRL+F or when you go to Search > Find Place, MM looks in the folder of the map that is currently open for an MMI file. So if you’re in the North Wales 1:25k scale map it should look in that folder for the MMI file. I think it then open the smallest scale map file it can find for the location you’ve searched for – so it will present the 1:10k street map before the 1:25k scale OS map (I THINK!). So, moving the maps to another folder may fix this issue too.
Let me know if this works, Stuart
I’m a long-term MM user, v6 on a Windows10 laptop, I also use a Garmin Oregon 600. I can export Tracks etc. from MM to the Garmin successfully, but can’t import from the Garmin to MM. Any suggestions?
David, sorry I can’t help much with this one as I’ve never used a traditional GPS device with MM. Only ever exported to GPX and then imported that file into a navigation app on a phone. I doubt the MM site will have the answer either, but what about the Garmin site – do they have a support forum maybe?
I have a Garmin etrex 30x and use it to record tracks. I later connect it by cable to my PC. In File Explorer I navigate to Garmin/GPX/current, where I can see the tracks I have recorded. I copy the ones I want to a folder on my PC, and then can import them into MM. OK, it’s not a direct import, but it works well for me.
I would imagine your Oregon 600 will work in much the same way. (I also record tracks using MM on my (Android) phone; they seem to be more accurate than the Garmin tracks! I have the Garmin mainly for recording tracks away from civilisation – the batteries last longer).
I also import tracks recorded on my Etrex 30x by going in to memory Map/ Gps/Select GPs= Garmin/USB and then import trac.
Does anyone know how to print a hard copy of a waypoint list?
Two ways to get a list of all your waypoints.
1 – if they are all in a route then use the Route Card button to print the route along with all the waypoint names. The route card appears in a webpage and you can print from there.
2 – if they are just a bunch of Marks with useful information, i.e. POIs then right click the Category and select Save As, and save them as a CSV, then print the CSV.
The Cubot King Kong 3 works well with Memory Map. It has 64 GB of internal memory, is waterproof, has a big screen,big battery, has two SIM cards (or 1 SIM card and an SD slot) and 4G.and finds a signal very quickly. An earlier model which works well.
The Defender which Memory Map market with the mapping on an SD card is not reliable.
Richard, that’s really useful feedback and I wasn’t aware of the Cubot rugged device – it certainly looks interesting, especially the new model with the huge internal battery.
MM5 and the Windows Mobile pocket PC version
How can I get the routes I create in the MMv5 on the PC to show in the pocket PC version.?
There is no feature to load overlays so I am stumped!
Ahh, now you’re testing my memory! It’s been many years since I used the PPC version of MM. I certainly don’t think there was any sync mechanism, I guess you will need to manually copy the files between the PC and mobile device. A cloud storage account supported by both devices would probably be the best way – Google Drive maybe – no idea if the PPC supports that though?
It seems there is a .mmo file in the MM install directory. called something like user_data.mmo.
You have to replace this file with the .mmo file containing the routes (and other mmo info) that you wan to use.
Best if it is a clean small mmo containing only the stuff you want as there are no facilities to show/not show individual tracks or routes
Stuart, I really like your manuals for Memory Maps. I have an issue with exporting waypoints. I can ingest waypoint files from my Garmin 650T and display/edit the file in Overlays. But when I want to send the cleaned-up file back to the Garmin device it won’t recognize it. I save the MARKS firstly as a gpx file on my PC then push it to the device. This was the suggestion of tech support at MM. Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks … ROB
Rob, unfortunately, I’m not familiar with Garmin devices, but I know they (and other dedicated GPS devices) can be problematic when used with MM. My guess would be a file formatting difference that the Garmin doesn’t like. GPX is supposed to be an open-source file type, but it could be that the Garmin is expecting a different format to that provided. You could try GPSBabel, using it to translate the MMO file into Garmin format. Other than that, I don’t really have any suggestions, sorry.
Perhaps you can help me, i am using MM V 2004 with all my tracks routes and overlays associated with it, i once accidently lost these and i do not want that to happen again,
My question is if i upgrade to V5 can i move all my old tracks and routes to it, and if so how would i do that?
Thank you for your time.
Steve G.
It was a long, long time ago when I moved to MMv5, so memory fails me I’m afraid.
However, I’m fairly certain that v5 will read v2004 files as it is backwards compatible.
So if you install v5 and then import your v2004 files you should be OK.
Your best bet may be to ask the same question on the MM Support Forum, which has a great response from other users and is also closely monitored by MM Staff.
Be aware though that none of your maps will work in v5.
The support forum is here: http://www.memory-map.co.uk/supportforum/
I recently bought a mm but found there was not enough basic information on how to us it.
Hopefully this article will be of use then 🙂
Like Alan, I’m struggling with mm – frustrating as I’m sure it could be of great benefit, and fun to use
If you have any specific questions please feel free to email them to me – or append to this post and I will try and answer them.
I’ve been using it for many years now and find it absolutely invaluable.
I’ve got MM Tracker working on my HTC Wildfire but I’ve yet to use it in anger so I can’t help yet. When I’ve got to grips with it I’ll see about sending you some info if nobody else gets there before me.
Good post – I’ll be following the subsequent episodes.
I notice from your topic-list that you’ll be covering working with the PDA version. Will you also be covering use of the MM Tracker Android app >>> http://sites.google.com/site/mmtrackerinfo/ ?
I must admit I’d never heard of that product until you mentioned it. I don’t have an Android phone unfortunately, so that probably precludes me from testing it.
I was considering including the MM iPhone app, but as it costs £20 and I refuse to pay that for a product I already own, that’s unlikely to make the list too.
If anyone has MMTracker or MM on the iPhone and wants to submit a guide to me I will make sure it gets added.