This is the story of my second journey along Wainwright’s definitive British footpath – the Coast to Coast. I had walked it previously in May 2006 – walking alone after my friend had dropped out. This time round he promised he wouldn’t abandon me – and sure enough, we set out – together – on the 29th April. We had a plan to do things a little differently from most people – a plan to add a sting to the tail of the 192 mile walk from St. Bees in Cumbria to Robin Hood’s Bay in Yorkshire – but more on that later.
This journal is a response to several requests I’ve had to publish my account of the 2009 walk and I openly admit it’s really a fudge! The text you read over the next few pages is actually the blogs I wrote as I was walking the path – and indeed the blogs I wrote as I prepared for the walk. As such it reads like it was written “live” – not my usual style of wrting at all. It also means it lacks the depth of my usual journals – something I intend to address at some point in the future – but for now this is it.
I didn’t really feel the need to use a guide book this time round – not only had I walked the route less than three years previously, but the time I’ve spent creating the Walking Places C2C pages have provided a wealth of knowledge and I feel I know the path intimately. However, it should be made illegal to walk the route without carrying the Wainwright guide with you, so into the bag he went.
The Trailblazer guide, written by Henry Stedman has just been updated for the 2010 walking season. The path has been completely re-walked and the revisions written by Chris Scott – who now includes short pieces from “ordinary” folk – there are also loads of new photos – so a brand new book almost. Make sure you wait for the 4th Edition if you’re walking in 2010.
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Coast to Coast 2009 – Itinerary
I know I’ve mentioned this in a previous post, but that was several months ago and I don’t suppose anyone

Coat to Coast 2009 – Preparation
As little as 5 weeks ago I was panicking, I was really quite worried that my level of fitness had

Coast to Coast 2009 – Day 1
Didn’t get a chance to post this picture last night as the phone signal was so poor, but this is

Coast to Coast 2009 – Day 2
Day 2 started at 4am for me as I was woken by the rain battering against the window of the

Coast to Coast 2009 – Day 3
I’m struggling to post pictures at the moment as signal strength precludes the large attachments, I will try and add

Coast to Coast 2009 – Day 4
Rob relaxes at lunch time in the sun, beside Haweswater Reservior. I’m still a day behind in posts, I’m writing

Coast to Coast 2009 – Day 5
A nice pint of Hobgoblin in the Kings Arrms in Kirkby Stephen. In a Geordie accent: “Day 5 and the

Coast to Coast 2009 – Day 6
In a Geordie accent: “Day 6 and the lads are getting a little stir crazy, visions of hot tea and

Coast to Coast 2009 – Day 7
The Kelda brew in Keld Lodge is excellent walking beer, light and refreshing and not too strong, just right in

Coast to Coast 2009 – Day 8
In a Geordie accent: “Day 8 and the lads wake to the smell of burning Gore Tex Paclite which still

Coast to Coast 2009 – Day 9
Days 8 and 9 reports have been posted from the Lion Inn at Blakey with a single bar on the

Coast to Coast 2009 – Day 10
A day of contrasts awaited us; bitter, driving, chilling winds across the moors in the morning and lovely sunny wooded

Coast to Coast 2009 – Final Day (11)
Well that’s it then, we’ve done it. I’m posting this from the wifi connection in the Wayfarer in Robin Hood’s

Coast to Coast 2009 – Final Thoughts
I don’t really have a lot to add to the journal this time. Other than to say I didn’t enjoy