Tag: pennine way

Misty camp on Kinder Low, either side of the path

A Weekend Sacrifice

The Oxford Dictionary defines sacrifice as “An act of giving up something valued for the

Long Distance Paths

No Time Like the Present

Or so the saying goes. Typically I’m a ‘leave it to the last minute’ sort


I'm Back!

Regular readers may have noticed, it’s been very quiet around here recently and for that


What would you write?

That was the question posed by Nick Newcomen after he finished his 30 day trek

Long Distance Paths

My body – status update.

Feet: 1. The toes next to my big toe on each foot are still black,

Long Distance Paths

Minor disaster

I forgot to mention the fallout of the prat fall I staged as I left

Long Distance Paths

Long Distance Path 2010

Until just a few days ago I had no idea where I was going to